Consultancy and advisory
EASYBYTE delivers advisory service and solution for the definition and implantation of the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) or GPD (Policies Management), the productive and administrative tasks reevaluation and padronization by these methodology, relative to the companies operational, commercial and administrative process, besides the accompaniment of the dissemination after the methodology implantation with focus on governance, risks and compliance, looking for auxiliate the organization, improve the security, the production, decrease the costs and strategic and operational risks.
For that, the work has to understand the general concepts of processes in place, the processes models and its dimensions, the definition of the processes documentation language, the patterns for risk management, intern and extern services, incidents and problem management, task configuration management, changes management and, continuity management training and internal dissemination services.
Finally, it is necessary to define the limits of each processes and its interdependencies, to evaluate the company as whole.
Information is a heritage and something valuable. It is not agglomerated bytes, but a set of datas classified and organized in a way that users and companies can take advantage of. The information is also a factor that can determine the survival or the discontinuity of a company's activities.
Being the information a well that adds value to a company or individual, it is necessary to use tools, systems and other means that make the information a competitive difference. Furthermore, it is necessary to search for solutions that will bring good results, but that have the lower possible cost. The issue is that there is no “magic formula” to determine who to use the informations on the best way possible. Everything depends on the culture, the market, the segment and other aspects of a company. The choices have to be good, otherwise unnecessary costs or performance loss can occur.
There are still many other aspects to be considered. The company must know how to deal with security, disponibility, with the system usage (they really have to do what was proposed), with technology (which is better for certain situations), with tasks and routine parametrization, with the qualification of human resources as well.