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Case 1

       Big company from the retail business located in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and Distrito Federal.


       Situation: the company created a program in a national scope looking for the ampliation of PDV’s terminals in their 21 stores. At the time, it was an innovator project.


       Action taken: assembling a multitask team (9 members) for the sellers trainning, tellers, installation of the physical and logistical working space, operation and communication and accompaniment of all involved processes, considering only one week of work for each store.


       Result: we reduced the evaluation time of the results of the stores from three days to two hours, through live closing reports, creating a condition for the Direction of the company to take strategic decisions in a short amount of time.

Case 2

       Mid size company from the laboratory products market established in São Paulo and in the South capitals of the country.


       Situation: usage of the ERP local system that, when migrated to the a superior version, generated operational bottleneck due to the inadequate TI structure to a point that definitive substitution of the system was considered.


       Action taken: revision of the personal structure, adequation of the operational entries, dissemination of the use of the technical support from the manufacturer, implantation of an integrated organizational change methodology.


       Results: stabilization of the system usage in the company, expansion of the usage by the affiliates, integration and consolidation of the results, revitalization of the SAD/SIG system usage, avoiding system changes costs with the cultural implications of the company

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