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Our Team

Joao Carlos Villela – Senior Consultant

       Production engineer with specialized on organization. system and methods, postgraduate in IT management with complementation for the superior mastership. Consultant since 1993 with processes mapping, cost systems and cooperative training. Has great experience in the necessity identification related to the implantation of Strategic Planning with focus on risks, utilization of gerencial control systems, and training to the corporative users.

Beatriz Gouvea – Senior Consultant

       Administrator with MBA in Strategic Management by UFPR and specialization in Health Operators by PUC/RJ. Audit leader by the ISO 9001:2008 and audit of the ISO 14001 and ISO 18001. 16 year experience with implantation and maintenance of Quality management system. Solid experience in processes mapping with course in BPM by Projeler and implantation of Management by Policy in the segment EAD. Senior examiner of PPrQG according the criterias of the MEG from FNQ.

Ricardo Rabello – Senior Consultant

       Mechanic engineer by PUC-RJ, postgraduate in finances by FAE-PR, with 25 year experience as executive of big companies in Paraná such as Cimento Votoran, Volvo do Brasil and Renault, having, on this last one, worked as general purchase manager and general audition manager.

        As executive, developed several works based on techniques for organization and betterment of the results the companies that have worked in, specially during the formation of the Aliança Renault - Nissan, participating of long duration works in Europe (2, 5 years) and also in Japan.

Paulo Chedid Simao Filho -  Sales Manager

       Agronomic engineer by UENP (Bandeirantes - PR), with MBA in Management Business by FAE Business School (Curitiba - PR). since 1991 works as executive with experience in the commercial area, working in direct negotiation and team management. Focused in the treatment of the clients necessity and in the sustainability of the company. Experience in team development with multidisciplinar characteristics and evidence of effectiveness and effectiveness in business processes.

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